How to Highlight Background Text in TextView: A Comprehensive Guide

Let’s dive into the world of Android development and explore a common need – How To Highlight Background Text In Textview. It’s a simple yet effective way to enhance the user experience and emphasize key information within your app’s text content. This guide will provide you with a step-by-step approach, explaining the necessary concepts and providing clear instructions.

Understanding the Basics: TextViews and Backgrounds

A TextView in Android is a fundamental building block for displaying text within your app. It allows you to showcase various text styles, sizes, colors, and formatting options. One key aspect of customization is applying backgrounds to TextViews.

Background Properties

The background of a TextView can be manipulated using various properties, including:

  • android:background: This attribute allows you to set a solid color, drawable resource, or gradient as the background.
  • android:backgroundTint: This attribute lets you tint an existing drawable resource with a desired color.
  • android:backgroundTintMode: This attribute defines how the tint color interacts with the existing drawable.

Techniques for Highlighting Background Text

Here are several methods to achieve background text highlighting in TextView:

1. Using a Drawable with a Shape

This approach involves creating a shape drawable with a specific color and applying it as the background for your TextView.


  1. Create a Shape Drawable: Define a shape drawable in your drawable folder (e.g., highlight_background.xml). Use the shape tag with desired attributes like solid, stroke, and corners to configure your shape.
  2. Apply the Shape: In your layout file, set the android:background attribute of your TextView to the shape drawable you created:
        android:text="Highlight this text"
        android:background="@drawable/highlight_background" />

2. Employing a Gradient

Gradients can add visual flair and create a soft highlight effect. You can use android:background to set a gradient defined in a drawable resource:


  1. Create a Gradient Drawable: In your drawable folder, create a gradient drawable (e.g., gradient_highlight.xml). Use the gradient tag with attributes like android:startColor, android:endColor, and android:angle to specify your gradient.
  2. Apply the Gradient: In your layout file, set the android:background attribute of your TextView to the gradient drawable:
        android:text="Highlight this text"
        android:background="@drawable/gradient_highlight" />

3. Utilizing a Custom Drawable

For advanced highlighting effects, create a custom drawable class that extends Drawable and overrides the draw() method. This allows you to precisely control the drawing logic and achieve unique background styles:



public class CustomHighlightDrawable extends Drawable {

    private Paint paint;

    public CustomHighlightDrawable() {
        paint = new Paint();

    public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
        RectF bounds = new RectF(getBounds());
        canvas.drawRoundRect(bounds, 20, 20, paint);

    public int getOpacity() {
        return PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT;

    public void setAlpha(int alpha) {

    public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter colorFilter) {

Applying the Custom Drawable:

// In your layout file
    android:text="Highlight this text"
    android:background="@drawable/custom_highlight" />

4. Employing the android:backgroundTint Attribute

This approach is helpful when you want to apply a tint color to an existing drawable. For example, you could use a selector drawable that changes based on the TextView’s state (pressed, focused, etc.) and apply a tint to highlight the text:


  1. Create a Selector Drawable: In your drawable folder, create a selector drawable (e.g., highlight_selector.xml). Define different states (like android:state_pressed, android:state_focused) and set the desired drawable for each state.
  2. Apply the Selector with Tint: In your layout file, set the android:background attribute to the selector drawable and use android:backgroundTint to apply a tint color:
        android:text="Highlight this text"
        android:backgroundTint="@color/highlight_color" />

Choosing the Right Approach

The most suitable method for highlighting background text depends on your specific requirements.

Consider these factors:

  • Complexity: If you need a simple, solid color background, using a shape drawable is the most straightforward option.
  • Visual Appeal: If you want a gradient or a custom visual style, create a custom drawable or use a gradient drawable.
  • State-Based Highlighting: If the highlighting should change based on the TextView’s state, employ a selector drawable with a tint color.

Additional Tips and Considerations

  • Color Contrast: Ensure good contrast between the text color and the background color to maintain readability.
  • Accessibility: Consider users with visual impairments when choosing highlight colors.
  • Consistency: Maintain consistency in the highlighting style throughout your app for a cohesive user experience.


// In your activity or fragment
TextView textView = findViewById(;
textView.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.highlight_background); // Apply the shape drawable
textView.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); // Ensure good contrast

By implementing these techniques and incorporating the best practices, you can effectively highlight background text in your Android TextViews, enhancing the clarity and visual appeal of your app’s user interface.

Author: KarimZenith

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