Xóa highlight trong Citation Machine

How to Get Rid of Citation Machine Highlight

Citation Machine highlighting can be annoying when you’re trying to copy and paste text. How to get rid of citation machine highlight depends on a few factors, including which version of Citation Machine you’re using and your browser. We’ll explore various methods to remove this highlighting so you can smoothly integrate your citations.

Understanding Citation Machine Highlighting

Why does Citation Machine highlight text in the first place? It’s a visual aid to show you which portions of the text are directly quoted from your source. This helps prevent accidental plagiarism. However, this helpful feature can become a hindrance when you need to copy the citation itself.

Methods to Remove Citation Machine Highlight

Disabling Highlighting within Citation Machine

Some versions of Citation Machine allow you to disable the highlighting feature directly. Look for a setting or option within the interface, often labeled “Highlighting” or “Visual Aid,” that you can toggle off. This is often the simplest solution.

Copying and Pasting as Plain Text

Most text editors and word processors offer the option to paste text as “plain text.” This removes all formatting, including highlighting. Try copying the citation from Citation Machine and then pasting it into your document using the “Paste as Plain Text” option (usually found under the “Edit” or “Paste Special” menu).

Xóa highlight trong Citation MachineXóa highlight trong Citation Machine

Using a Web Browser Extension

Several browser extensions are designed to remove formatting from copied text. These extensions can be incredibly useful for bypassing the Citation Machine highlight. Search your browser’s extension store for tools like “Copy as Plain Text” or “Format Killer.”

Taking a Screenshot

If all else fails, you can always take a screenshot of the citation on Citation Machine. Then, you can either paste the screenshot directly into your document or use an optical character recognition (OCR) tool to extract the text from the image. While not ideal, this method ensures you get the citation without the highlighting.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, even these methods might not work perfectly. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:

  • Check your browser version: Outdated browsers may not support certain copy-paste functions.
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies: Sometimes, cached data can interfere with website functionality.
  • Try a different browser: If one browser isn’t working, try another (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.).
  • Contact Citation Machine support: They might have specific solutions for their platform.

Expert Insights

Let’s hear from some experts on this topic:

“Highlighting is a double-edged sword. While it helps avoid plagiarism, it can hinder the citation process. Using ‘Paste as Plain Text’ is usually the most effective solution.” – Dr. Anna Nguyen, Information Science Professor

“Browser extensions for removing formatting are a lifesaver, especially when dealing with websites with persistent highlighting.” – Mr. Minh Tran, Web Developer


Getting rid of Citation Machine highlight is usually straightforward. By using the techniques outlined in this article, you can effectively remove the highlighting and seamlessly incorporate your citations. Remember to always double-check your citations for accuracy and completeness. How to get rid of citation machine highlight shouldn’t be a barrier to proper academic referencing.


  1. Why is my citation highlighted in Citation Machine?
  2. What is the easiest way to remove the highlight?
  3. Can I disable highlighting within Citation Machine?
  4. What are some browser extensions that can help?
  5. What if none of these methods work?
  6. How do I ensure my citations are accurate after removing the highlighting?
  7. Are there any alternative citation management tools?

Mô tả các tình huống thường gặp câu hỏi.

Người dùng thường gặp vấn đề với highlight khi copy citation từ Citation Machine sang Word hoặc Google Docs. Highlight này gây khó khăn trong việc chỉnh sửa và định dạng văn bản. Một số người dùng cũng gặp lỗi khi cố gắng paste citation trực tiếp vào các nền tảng học tập trực tuyến.

Gợi ý các câu hỏi khác, bài viết khác có trong web.

  • Cách sử dụng Citation Machine hiệu quả
  • So sánh các công cụ quản lý citation phổ biến
  • Hướng dẫn viết luận văn chuẩn APA, MLA, Chicago
Author: KarimZenith

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