Mastering Highlight Column Edit in Grid DevExpress Winforms C#

Highlighting specific columns during the edit mode in your DevExpress Winforms Grid Control (XtraGrid) using C# can significantly enhance user experience by drawing attention to crucial data points. This article will guide you through the process of implementing this functionality, empowering you to create more intuitive and user-friendly applications.

Understanding the Power of Visual Cues

Imagine a data grid displaying hundreds of products with various attributes. Being able to highlight specific columns, like “Price” or “Quantity,” when a row is in edit mode allows users to quickly identify and focus on the most relevant information. This targeted visual cue minimizes errors and streamlines the editing process.

Implementing Highlight Column Edit in DevExpress Winforms Grid Control

Let’s delve into the step-by-step process of highlighting columns during edit mode using C# and DevExpress Winforms Grid Control:

  1. Access the GridView’s Appearance Property:
    The first step is to access the Appearance property of your GridView. This property allows you to customize the grid’s visual appearance.

    gridView1.Appearance.FocusedRow.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
  2. Specify the Target Column:
    Next, identify the specific column you want to highlight during edit mode. You can achieve this by referencing the column’s FieldName property.

    gridView1.Columns["Price"].AppearanceCell.BackColor = Color.Yellow; 
  3. Apply the Highlight:
    Now, you can apply the desired highlight effect to the targeted column. DevExpress provides various options for customization, such as changing the background color, font color, or applying styles.

    gridView1.Columns["Quantity"].AppearanceCell.ForeColor = Color.Red;

Example Scenario: Highlighting Product Price and Quantity

Let’s assume you have a grid displaying product information, including “ProductName,” “Price,” and “Quantity.” To highlight “Price” and “Quantity” columns during edit mode:

private void gridView1_ShownEditor(object sender, EventArgs e)
    GridView view = (GridView)sender;
    if (view.IsEditing)
        view.Appearance.FocusedRow.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
        view.Columns["Price"].AppearanceCell.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
        view.Columns["Quantity"].AppearanceCell.ForeColor = Color.Red; 
        // Reset appearance when not editing

In this example, we handle the gridView1_ShownEditor event, which is triggered when the grid enters edit mode. We highlight the “Price” column with a yellow background and the “Quantity” column with red text.

devexpress-gridcontrol-highlight-column-edit|DevExpress GridControl Highlight Column Edit|Example of a DevExpress GridControl with specific columns highlighted during edit mode. The “Price” column has a yellow background, and the “Quantity” column has red text.>

Enhancing User Experience with Conditional Formatting

You can further enhance user experience by applying conditional formatting rules. For example, you might want to highlight a price column in red if the value exceeds a certain threshold. This dynamic approach provides users with instant visual feedback based on data values.

// Apply conditional formatting to the "Price" column
GridFormatRule rule = new GridFormatRule();
FormatConditionRuleExpression expression = new FormatConditionRuleExpression();
expression.Expression = "[Price] > 100";
expression.PredefinedName = "Red"; // Use a predefined format with a red background
rule.Rule = expression;


This snippet adds a conditional formatting rule that highlights cells in the “Price” column with a red background if the price value is greater than 100.

devexpress-gridcontrol-conditional-formatting|DevExpress GridControl Conditional Formatting|A DevExpress GridControl with conditional formatting applied. Cells in the “Price” column with values greater than 100 are highlighted with a red background.>


Mastering highlight column edit in Grid DevExpress Winforms C# empowers you to create visually appealing and user-friendly applications. By strategically highlighting key data points during edit mode, you guide users’ attention, reduce errors, and elevate the overall user experience.

Need assistance with DevExpress Winforms development? Contact us at 0372999996, email us at [email protected], or visit us at 236 Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội. Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist you.

Author: KarimZenith

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