Change Color Highlight Tag is Selected in IntelliJ: A Comprehensive Guide

IntelliJ IDEA, the powerful IDE for Java development, offers a plethora of features to enhance coding productivity. Among these, the “highlight tag is selected” feature stands out as a game-changer for developers working with HTML, XML, and other markup languages. This feature, often referred to as “highlight matching tags,” provides instant visual feedback by highlighting matching opening and closing tags, making it easier to navigate complex code structures and avoid common errors.

How does the Highlight Tag Feature Work?

The “highlight tag is selected” feature in IntelliJ IDEA operates on the principle of semantic understanding. When you select a tag, the IDE analyzes the code structure, identifies its matching opening and closing tags, and visually highlights them. This highlighting typically involves changing the background color or applying a special border around the matching tags, providing a clear visual cue for developers.

The Benefits of Using Highlight Matching Tags

  • Improved Code Navigation: Quickly and easily identify matching tags, allowing for seamless navigation within complex code structures.
  • Enhanced Code Comprehension: Visual cues highlight matching tags, improving code readability and making it easier to understand the overall code structure.
  • Reduced Errors: The visual highlighting helps prevent common mistakes such as forgetting closing tags or mismatching tag pairs, contributing to cleaner and error-free code.
  • Increased Productivity: By streamlining code navigation and reducing potential errors, this feature significantly enhances developer productivity.

Enabling and Configuring the Highlight Tag Feature

To enable and configure the Highlight Tag feature in IntelliJ IDEA, follow these steps:

  1. Open Settings: Go to File > Settings (or IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences on macOS).
  2. Navigate to Editor: In the Settings window, click on Editor.
  3. Select General: Under Editor, select General.
  4. Find Code Style: Scroll down and click on Code Style.
  5. Choose HTML: From the dropdown menu, select the language for which you want to configure highlighting, for example, HTML.
  6. Enable Highlight Matching Tags: Check the box next to Highlight matching tags.
  7. Customize Highlighting: Optionally, you can customize the highlighting colors, borders, or styles by clicking on the Colors and Fonts… button.
  8. Apply Changes: Click Apply to save your settings and OK to close the Settings window.

How to Highlight Matching Tags in Different IDEs?

1. Visual Studio Code:

  • Install the “Bracket Pair Colorizer” extension.
  • This extension will colorize matching brackets and can be customized to highlight matching tags in HTML, XML, and other languages.

2. Sublime Text:

  • Install the “BracketHighlighter” plugin.
  • This plugin automatically highlights matching brackets and tags, offering customization options for color and style.

3. Atom:

  • Install the “language-html” package.
  • This package provides built-in support for HTML and includes features like matching tag highlighting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Why are my matching tags not highlighted in IntelliJ IDEA?

A1: Ensure that the “Highlight matching tags” option is enabled in your IDE settings. Verify that the correct language (HTML, XML, etc.) is selected for the code style configuration. If the issue persists, try restarting your IDE.

Q2: Can I customize the highlighting color and style?

A2: Yes, you can customize the highlighting colors, borders, and styles by clicking on the Colors and Fonts… button within the Code Style settings.

Q3: Does this feature work with all languages?

A3: The “highlight matching tags” feature typically works with markup languages like HTML, XML, and JSON. Support for other languages may vary depending on the IDE and its plugins.


The “highlight tag is selected” feature in IntelliJ IDEA is an invaluable tool for developers working with markup languages. This feature significantly enhances code navigation, improves code comprehension, reduces errors, and increases developer productivity. By enabling and configuring this feature, you can streamline your development workflow and write cleaner, more efficient code.

Author: KarimZenith

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