Always Highlight Row Click JQGrid: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlock the power of highlighting specific rows in your JQGrid whenever a user clicks on them, enhancing user experience and data visibility. This guide will delve into the intricacies of this technique, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to implement it seamlessly in your web applications.

Understanding the Fundamentals:

The ability to highlight rows on click in JQGrid is a powerful feature that significantly improves the user interface (UI) and data accessibility. It provides visual cues, helping users quickly identify selected items and navigate complex datasets with ease. Let’s explore the core components and steps involved in achieving this functionality.

The onSelectRow Event:

At the heart of this functionality lies the onSelectRow event. This event is triggered whenever a user clicks on a row in the JQGrid. By capturing this event, we can execute custom JavaScript code to apply the desired row highlighting effect.

CSS Styling:

To visually highlight the selected row, we need to use CSS styles. The selected class in JQGrid is the key to achieving this. We’ll modify the styling of the selected class to create a visually distinct highlighted effect.

Implementing Row Highlighting:

Now, let’s dive into the practical steps of implementing row highlighting in your JQGrid.

Step 1: Defining the onSelectRow Handler:

Start by defining a JavaScript function that will handle the onSelectRow event. This function will be responsible for applying the desired highlighting effect to the selected row.

function onSelectRow(rowId, status, e) {
    // ... Code to highlight the selected row

Step 2: Applying the selected Class:

Within the onSelectRow handler, we need to add the selected class to the selected row. This will trigger the corresponding CSS styles and visually highlight the row.

function onSelectRow(rowId, status, e) {
    $(this).jqGrid('setSelection', rowId);

Step 3: Implementing CSS Styles:

Create CSS styles for the selected class. Here’s an example of a basic style that will apply a background color and a different font color:

.selected {
    background-color: #f0f0f0;
    color: #000;

Step 4: Integrating the Functionality:

Finally, integrate these components into your JQGrid configuration. Add the onSelectRow event handler to your JQGrid options and specify the CSS class to be applied to the selected row.

    // ... Other JQGrid options
    onSelectRow: onSelectRow,
    // ... Other JQGrid options

Fine-Tuning Row Highlighting:

While the basic implementation is straightforward, we can further refine the row highlighting behavior to cater to specific requirements.

Custom Highlighting Effects:

Explore the potential to create custom highlighting effects beyond the basic background and font color changes. Experiment with animations, borders, shadows, or other CSS properties to craft a distinctive visual experience.

Maintaining Single Selection:

If you only want to allow one row to be selected at a time, ensure that the multiselect option in your JQGrid configuration is set to false.

Preventing Row Selection:

Sometimes, you might want to prevent specific rows from being selected. This can be achieved using the rowattr option in JQGrid, which allows you to set attributes for individual rows. By adding a custom attribute like unselectable="true" to the rows you want to disable selection, you can effectively control user interaction.

Additional Tips:

  • Accessibility: Ensure that the highlighted rows are still easily accessible to users with visual impairments. Consider using contrasting colors that meet accessibility standards.
  • Performance: For large datasets, optimize the code to minimize performance overhead when highlighting rows.
  • Customizability: Adapt the code to align with your specific design and functionality requirements.


1. How can I remove the highlighting effect when a user clicks on a different row?

You can achieve this using the onRowSelect event. In the handler, clear the selected class from the previously selected row before adding it to the newly selected row.

2. Can I highlight multiple rows simultaneously?

Yes, JQGrid supports multiple selections. Enable the multiselect option in your JQGrid configuration to allow users to select multiple rows.

3. How can I display a tooltip with additional information when a user hovers over a highlighted row?

Use the title attribute in the HTML table cell to display a tooltip when hovering over the highlighted row.

4. Can I change the appearance of the highlighted row based on its data?

Yes, use the rowattr option in JQGrid to customize the appearance of rows based on their data. For example, you can highlight rows with certain values in a specific column with a distinct background color.

5. Can I programmatically select a row without user interaction?

Yes, use the setSelection method of JQGrid to select a row programmatically.

6. How can I ensure that the highlighting effect persists even after the page is reloaded?

Use the gridComplete event in JQGrid to restore the selection state after a page reload. This event is triggered after the grid is fully loaded and rendered.

7. Can I use JavaScript to dynamically add and remove rows while preserving the highlighting effect?

Yes, you can use the addRowData and delRowData methods in JQGrid to add and remove rows dynamically. Ensure that you update the selection state accordingly to maintain the highlighting effect.

Enhancing User Experience with JQGrid Row Highlighting:

By implementing row highlighting in your JQGrid applications, you provide users with a more interactive and visually appealing interface. This simple yet effective feature can significantly enhance user experience, enabling users to navigate data more efficiently and understand information more intuitively.

Author: KarimZenith

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